The movie investigates notions of the reality of past events, debating on identity and alterity using Digital Architecture and Virtual Reality. The Savage Mind is an art project which examines the relation between intangible cultural heritage, technology and the production of a speculative architecture. The movie harnesses digital tools, retrieving data from the virtual realm and the physical space, to capture virtually the emotional realm of a ritual. More specifically it focuses on the traditional“Klaubauf” ritual performed in alpine villages in eastern Tyrol / Austria. The movie, understood as an architectural medium, slips between documentary and visionary realm and engages in new technologies as methods of information transfer. Parallel to its purpose to archive specific emotions, it establishes the environment to narrate the story of a speculative architecture produced through and for this ritual. “The savage mind” can be described by two different orders of classification: taxonomic and emotional, where magic art and science represent parallel forms of knowledge existing within the human kind. New technologies are used to document and archive intangible cultural heritage and at the same time craft the space for a speculative architecture to unfold. Maeid deploys laser scanning, motion tracking, and digital production to craft a place of narration, visualizing an existing ritual and allowing a speculative architecture to unfold. The consciousness of the main character, who guides us through the scenes, is emotional, active, he asks questions and fantasizes ideal escapes by protesting and regretting. This intense activity coincides with an experience of movement through space. The artwork deals with the preservation and stimulation of living, cultural heritage using new emerging technologies. At the same time it questions the relationship between the emotional realm and the digital, re-discussing performance based events through the lens of digital technology.
The movie investigates notions of the reality of past events, debating on identity and alterity using Digital Architecture and Virtual Reality. The Savage Mind is an art project which examines the relation between intangible cultural heritage, technology and the production of a speculative architecture. The movie harnesses digital tools, retrieving data from the virtual realm and the physical space, to capture virtually the emotional realm of a ritual. More specifically it focuses on the traditional“Klaubauf” ritual performed in alpine villages in eastern Tyrol / Austria. The movie, understood as an architectural medium, slips between documentary and visionary realm and engages in new technologies as methods of information transfer. Parallel to its purpose to archive specific emotions, it establishes the environment to narrate the story of a speculative architecture produced through and for this ritual.
“The savage mind” can be described by two different orders of classification: taxonomic and emotional, where magic art and science represent parallel forms of knowledge existing within the human kind. New technologies are used to document and archive intangible cultural heritage and at the same time craft the space for a speculative architecture to unfold. Maeid deploys laser scanning, motion tracking, and digital production to craft a place of narration, visualizing an existing ritual and allowing a speculative architecture to unfold. The consciousness of the main character, who guides us through the scenes, is emotional, active, he asks questions and fantasizes ideal escapes by protesting and regretting. This intense activity coincides with an experience of movement through space. The artwork deals with the preservation and stimulation of living, cultural heritage using new emerging technologies. At the same time it questions the relationship between the emotional realm and the digital, re-discussing performance based events through the lens of digital technology.